Wednesday, September 20, 2006

NDP Values

Something I was working on and shelved for a couple of days:

It is now official NDP Policy:

Members of the federal New Democratic Party on Saturday overwhelmingly endorsed party leader Jack Layton's call to pull Canadian troops from Afghanistan.The vote came during the national party's convention in Quebec City, where the mission in Afghanistan has dominated discussions and debates.

However at the same convention a lady going by the name "Jane Doe" spoke. As reported by Dinner Table Donts:

Jane Doe urged Youth Delegates to stand up and speak out againt sexual violence against women, to treat it with the same distaste as racism, sexism, agism, and all other destable practices.

The implication is, and I think it to be true, that the NDP is against all of those detestable practices. In addition, the NDP is in favour of some form of equality. So, what about working to insure that some people in Afghanistan begin to be afforded shelter from those detestable practices?
Well, a strategy of disengagement from that country when the foe stands as the antithesis of equality and the champion of dispicable tactics seems to call into question any principles of equal access to rights. The principles of equality, particularly a principle of equal access to rights and freedom would seem to demand some kind of engagement in Afghanistan.

More to come...

1 comment:

Peter Thurley said...

I'm guessing you'll be commenting on the argument I made that showed how pulling the troops from Afghanistan does just what you want it to do - providing equal access to rights and freedoms - rights and freedoms that are not currently available to most Afghanis because of warlordism, feudal serfdoms and undemocratic elections that were installed when the Taliban fell?