Friday, October 13, 2006

Progressive Bloggers

So, I'm joining the "Progressive Bloggers".  This group does seem to be a nicely organised bunch of political blogs.  They claim to attract bloggers who are:
Liberal or liberal, New Democrats or democrats, Green voters or voters
who want a green country, or even Red Tories searching for a home,
 There is no mention of "Progressive-Conservatives", or Conservatives (regardless of capitalisation).   I've always considered myself a conservative, but also a liberal.  That is I believe strongly in the principles that constitute the liberal democratic tradition from Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Burke?, Kant, Hegel?, Mill and to their greatest expression in the work of the late John Rawls.  I understand Canada to be (or have been) one of the greatest examples of this tradition.  So, to my mind, a conservative in Canada ought to wish to conserve the institutions of liberal democracy.  Now, to be a liberal in the sense that I am so rooughly referring is to be progressive- that is concerned about the progress of the individual in society. 

To make a long story short that is how I rationalise my attempt to get more hits at Ramblings.

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gfdgfdfd said...

Quite a few former Progressive Conservatives now call Progressive Bloggers "home". Harper's Conservative are so polarized that many small-c conservatives have been scared away from the party; and likewise, many small-c bloggers keep away from the rather dogmatic Blogging Tories.

Anywho, welcome aboard.

Oxford County Liberals said...

"Red Tories" is pretty close to the same thing as Progressive Consevatives, wouldnt you say? :)

Jim Calder of "The Progressive Right" is an example - he still votes and supports the Conservative Party.. but he's on their social left-wing of the party, and was thus comfortable enough to become a member of Prog Blog as well.

Anyhow.. to echo Devon, welcome.

Peter Thurley said...

a Rawlsian, eh? I can see how you would be both liberal and conservative all at once... Though my appreciation of Rawls led me more towards democratic socialism than actual neo-liberalism.

Muskwa Littlebear said...

From one conservative to another: Welcome aboard.

Shawn :)